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(270) 245-2583
1175 South Main St. Suite B
Madisonville KY 42431
Tax Free Retirement Account (TFRA) provides both insurance protection and the opportunity for cash value growth tied to stock market index performance, all while avoiding direct market participation. This policy offers policyholders flexibility in premium payments and death benefits, making it a versatile choice for long-term financial planning and retirement income strategies.
Reason 1:
Most financial advisors don’t even know about this, Nor, do they know how to utilize it properly to get you the most value..
Reason 2:
Most financial advisors recommend financial vehicles that pay them the highest commissions rather than put your interest at heart.
Reason 3:
The advisor can’t charge you yearly management fees so it’s not worth it for them to use it.
You don’t pay taxes on the growth or principle
Keep 100% of your principle and interest sheltered from taxes if properly structured.
GUARANTEED not to lose a dime in market downturns
Lock in your gains when the market increases but NEVER suffer a loss when the market is down.
Your money is Liquid:
Take money out anytime, without penalty, for any reason while 100% of your account value continues to earn interest.
Your money is guaranteed and protected:
Regardless of how the market performs, you will have the peace of mind knowing that you will never lose money and is 100% protected from all creditors.
You do not have to report to the IRS:
The IRS does not consider the values taken in the account as income so there is no taxes due.
Nope.... It’s very real.
In fact, the TFRA is not a new investment strategy.
Accounts like these have been used by wealthy individuals and families for over 100 years to build, then pass on fortunes in a legally tax-free environment.
Banks like Wells Fargo, JP Morgan, Bank of America hold more assets in these accounts than they hold in real estate!
President John F. Kennedy had an account like this.
So did Presidents Taft, Cleveland, McKinley, Harding, and FDR (FDR, in fact, held a large portion of his estate—$562,142 or over $7 million in today's dollars—inside his account...)
Even John McCain used his account to fund his electoral campaign back in '08.
However, an account like this can only be technically set up if you or your family qualify for it.
To discover if you qualify for a SRA-IUL, fill out our 30 second survey below.